Voyage à Muchedent - Lycée Porte de Normandie

Voyage à Muchedent

Voyage à Muchedent Rêve de Bisons

, par Catherine - Format PDF Enregistrer au format PDF

Mathilde and Lisa

Today, we went to « Rêve de bisons ». We saw buffalos, does and stags.
This morning, we took an army truck to look at the buffalos, the does and the stags. The buffalos were the biggest and the most dangerous animals present in the parc, the deers were not beautiful, they stank, they were not smart and the stags were the most handsome.
After, we ate our lunch.
This afternoon, we visited a tepee. We learnt that Indians were nomads, they used the buffalos’ limbs to make some objects. The tepee had three rooms. There was a kitchen, a bedroom and a sitting room and a fire next to the door.
At the end, we went in the restaurant to see some of the animals that exist in Canada.
It was a beautiful day.

Solène, Julien, Tess and Julien

Buffalos are prehistoric animals who come from Africa. They eat grass. In the farm, they live with deers because they can run really fast. They are indestructible because they are very strong and can live whether the temperature is cold or hot.

Does are really cute. Stags have woods, they grow in 58 days . They eat the second third of the grass .

25% of indians live in tepees because they are uncomfortable but they’re very usefull and easy to transport in order to hunt buffalos.
With buffalos they make : tepees, trousers, cups, plates, boats, bows, shields

Océance, Manon, Laurine, Antoine and Julie

Yesterday we visited « Buffalos’s dreams » with a guide who explained the life of Buffalos and the conditions of life of Indians.
The boy is with deers and their fawns. They are mixed in the same gardens. Because, the buffalos eat the top of the grass and the deers eat the bottom of the grass. The boy was very interesting and easy on the eyes.

The Grannies
Victor, Bastian, Chloe, Michaël,

We arrived in Muchedent with the bus at 10.30 but we didn’t really know what we would see. In the bus everybody slept well because we woke up earlier than usual. We went to the restaurant to see the different skins of wild animals that were there. We walked to the trucks which were the same as the army. We discovered our guides and we left on the trip. Firstly, we saw some buffalos, stags, deers, and their fawns. There are approximately 320 buffalos and each one costs between 150 000 and 200 000 €. All animals were mixed in the park because buffalos eat only one third of the grass, stags eat the second third and deers eat the last part. We learnt that, in reality, deers are stupid and dirty. During the trip, we were shaken because of the land which was unstable.
After it, we ate our « delicious » picnic, then we learnt the history of Native Americans, in a tepee and the history of buffalos. During the prehistoric period, the buffalos were from Ethiopia in Africa, but they crossed the world to arrived in America when the straits of Béring was a lowland. They wanted to go back but they could not because the lowland was covered with water. In America there was a herd of 75 million of buffalos, all together it was the size of a departement in France.
The Native Americans hunted buffalos with a special strategie because buffalos are the fifth intelligent race in the world. They put them in a trap with grand mothers. They forced them to run away in their trap which was a ravine, and the grannies scared them, so they fell in it. With buffalo carcasses, they made canoes and a lot of useful things as clothes, skin for their tepees, etc. In Native Americans’s tepees, there were 3 rooms which were separated by a corridor without buffalos skins. In the background, it was the bedroom where 8 or 10 people could sleep. On the right, it was the kitchen and on the left, the sitting room only reserved for men. The fire was in the entrance for three reasons which are ; the warmth, the smoke which follow the skin of the tippie to escape, and to fend off wild animals. Now the Native American represents less than 1% of the population of the U.S.A but they are really rich because they are the owners of a part of the Great Canyon.


Police pour dyslexie ?
Interlignage double ?